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英文名:Shandong Normal University 简称:“山师或山师大”,“SNU或SDNU” 所在地:济南 院校代码:10445 类型:综合类

  • 王仲妮详细资料

职称: 教授
  专业: 物理化学
  博(硕)导: 硕导
  最终学历: 博士研究生
  联系电话: 0531-86182546
  电子邮件: zhongniw@sina.com
  Ph D. (Sept. 2002 – Jun. 2005) Physical Chemistry of Surfactants, Shandong University
  M. S. (Sept. 1999 – July 2002) Physical Chemistry of Surfactants, Shandong University
  M. S. Course Diploma (Sept. 1987 – Sept. 1988) Polymer Chemistry, Institute of Polymer Chemistry in Fujian Normal University
  B. S. (Sept. 1981 – July 1985) Physical Chemistry, Jilin University
  Research Experience:
  Professor (2009-Present ) College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Shandong Normal University
  Associate Professor (2000-2009 ) Dept of Chem, Shandong Normal University
  Research Scholar (1997 - 1998) Surfactant Research Institute in CUNY, U. S. A.
  Lecturer (1992 -1999) Dept of Chem, Shandong Normal University
  Assistant Professor (1985 - 1992) Dept of Chem, Shandong Normal University
  Research Interests:
  1. Surfactant supramolecular self-assemblies—microstructure, properties and application as drug & food delivery system.
  2. Surface properties, molecular interactions, synergistic effects for binary surfactant systems and their application in Cosmetics & Detergents.
  One project sponsored by NSF-China (Grant 31071603) as PI, and two sponsored by NSF-China (Grant 60671010, 30370945) as collaborator.
  One project sponsored by NSF-SP (Y2006B29) as PI, and one sponsored by Guizhou Education Depart (Grant 2007-016) as collaborator.
  One SDNU Experimental Teaching Reform project as PI, and two projects as collaborator.
  Professional Service:
  Paper review for J. Phys. Chem, J. Controlled Release, Colloid & Polymer, J. Chem. Eng. Data., Colloid & Surface A
  More than 50 peer-reviewed papers on Langmuir, J. Colloid & Inter Sci, etc. including
  Original article:
  1. Zhongni Wang*, Feng Liu, Yanan Gao, et al. Hexagonal Liquid Crystalline Phases Formed in Ternary Systems of Brij 97–Water –Ionic Liquids. Langmuir, 2005, 21, 4931-4937.
  2. Zhongni Wang*, Zhaoyu Diao, Feng Liu, et al. Microstructure and Rheological properties of Liquid Crystallines Formed in Brij 97/water/IPM system. J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 2006, 297, 813-818.
  3. Zhongni Wang*, Wu Zhou, Ganzuo Li. Ternary cubic phases containing ionic liquid. J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 2008, 318, 405-410
  4. Zhong-Ni Wang*, Gan-Zuo Li, Gao-Yong Zhang, et al. Molecular Interaction in Binary Surfactant Mixtures Containing Alkyl Polyglycoside. J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 2005, 290, 598-602.
  5. Zhongni Wang*; Lin Meng; Wu Zhou; et al. Lyotropic Liquid Crystals Formed by Brij 97/PEO-PPO-PEO Mixtures. J. Disp. Sci. Tech. 2008, 29, 313 – 318
  6. Zhongni Wang, Interactions between an anionic fluorosurfacant and a PEO-PPO-PEO copolymer in aqueous solutions. J. Surfact. Deterg. 2010, 13,97-102
  7. Zhongni Wang*, Wu Zhou, Lamellar Liquid Crystals of Brij 97 Aqueous Solutions Containing Different Additives. J. Solution Chem. 2009, 38, 659-668.
  1. 王仲妮*, 王洁莹, 司友华. 咪唑类离子液体的研究进展. 化学进展,2008, 20, 1057-1063.
  2. 王仲妮, 李干佐, 张高勇 表面活性剂缔合结构作为药物载体的研究进展. 自然科学进展,2004, 14, 1209-1214.
  3. 吴同浩, 王仲妮*. 生物表面活性剂胆汁盐胶束化及相行为. 化学进展 2011, 23, 80-89
  • 详细地址:
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